Obligatory internship

  • Internship gives students a chance to couple their theoretical knowledge with concrete, measurable skills. During the internship the students get to know the functioning of a company, learn teamwork, meet real problems and challenges.
  • Internship constitutes the first professional experience of the students, which is why we aim at the cooperation with companies at an individual basis.
  • We make it possible for students to undertake their internship in businesses, self-government institutions, public opinion research centres, marketing and consulting companies, cultural institutions and media, as well as to participate in foreign internship.
  • Students may suggests their own place and time of internship.
  • The internship program should remain in accordance with the student’s profile and specialization.



The stu­dents of the Ti­sch­ner Eu­ro­pe­an Uni­ver­si­ty of the first- and se­cond-cyc­le stu­dies, both full-ti­me and part-ti­me, are ob­li­ga­ted to com­ple­te the pro­fes­sio­nal in­tern­ship.

Du­ring the in­tern­ship the stu­dent com­ple­tes the­ir in­tern­ship bo­ok, which is the ba­sis for ac­cor­ding the cre­dit.

The com­ple­tion of the in­tern­ship must be con­fir­med in the Ca­re­ers’ Se­rvi­ce up to 14 days sin­ce the end of the in­tern­ship.